
Gymnastics - practice early

Children want to discover the world. The developmental steps in the first years of life are large:

from lying to crawling, then to sitting, walking and further acquired motor skills.

When doing gymnastics in my day care, the children make important self-experiences. They learn to deal with their bodies and to assess themselves. With this confidence in their own strength, their self-confidence also grows.

Improves motor skills

Children's gymnastics is perfect for training and improving fine and gross motor skills.

It's about crawling, romping, balancing, somersaults, classic gymnastics exercises, but also climbing and ball games.

Gymnastics always has a playful character in order to sustainably promote the joy of movement in children.

Obstacle course as a small challenge

In my day care, children come together who have different abilities. 

cones for a slalom run, run or jump through a ring, crawl under chairs and tables,

Parcours are very good at this point to encourage children at their individual level.

Ball games

Various ball games provide variety.

Roll the ball to the goal

A box is ready to catch the children's balls.

In the maze

I lay several long ropes on the floor to form a labyrinth. The children balance on this track and train their sense of balance.

Join-in songs

For children under the age of 3, join-in songs are perfect for training their kinesthetic perception, sense of movement and strength.

These skills are promoted in gymnastics:

Motor skills and fitness

Perception, sensory experience

 Balance and coordination

Concentration and perseverance

Social skills and understanding of rules

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